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First Looks

Cappy Jack ©2003

“That look is one that most can’t give, except to one person. Are you fooling me?  Alert, alarmed, but, oh, so poised you look at me like I am the one. Do you see me look and reflect it? Am I to understand you? Can I have a moment?”

Henry looked down at his pants and wondered. Lily hadn’t spoken yet, had just come in and stopped abruptly in front of him. They were both out of their element down South, in somewhere warm, somewhere cozy. Both of them were dressed for the Caribbean for the first time, and last time that way, but for different reasons. She wanted to wear Bermuda shorts and a ribbed T-shirt. Henry could only think jeans, T-shirt and a jock. Wear the jock as a swimsuit, wash it once in awhile, yea, that’s the ticket. He grinned at her.

Lily was huffy and hot. She wanted a cold drink. The ride from the airport was uncomfortable and too long. Her skirt caught up in her legs and she was wet. ‘Hot to trot’, she thought to herself, ‘Say, who is this handsome man in front of me?’ She immediately looked exclusively at the best specimen in the room. He looked equally intensely at her. Neither could remember who broke their gaze first. They both knew something special was happening, who cares what? She blew hot breath at him to carry her perfume before her. She winced at his physical reaction to her, not just her perfume. He had a scent ,too. A smell of manhood, faint from her Father, never direct.

“You look well, too, my name is Lily.” A look of quizzical expression followed her head as it tilted to the side, smiling.

“I’m Henry. Around these parts, no one knows me so we’re equal.” She liked that response and smiled more broadly. He smiled, too. The clerk at the reception desk was mesmerized. The phone rang three times before he moved, and slowly, but hay, we are down South now. The couple, for that was what they were now, moved closer, faced the desk, sidled hips almost to touching. He swayed first.

“Would you break bread with me?” His sideway glance over her whole body met her peripheral vision right on. They both had such an attraction they forgot why they were there. Just for a moment she paused, perplexed, biting a lower lip, giving a furrow.

“Free at six, how about you?” Back up with a confident smile and a look of hope on her face. Lily was twenty-six, fair, not given over to major womanly whiles. Doe eyes, slightly hooded, peered at a man who stood to attention.

“Free at last!” Henry reached for her hand. He liked to shake, but didn’t know how to take a lady’s. They wrapped their hands together slowly and completely, their palms made fleeting contact until they settled down into comfort. A spark jumped when they parted, never noticed until now, first love came between them, alone was with them now.


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written using Microsoft Visual Web Developer 2005 Express Edition